
* Required Field.

The Bell scholarship application period for 2025 is now closed.

If you have any questions please refer to our FAQ page. Thank you!
See FAQs regarding changes to the 2025 scholarship program due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Personal Information

Home Address

Must be U.S. Citizen or Permanent U.S. Resident

High School Information

Top Academic Accomplishments

Please list any significant accomplishments such as national awards, special recognitions and/or honors, publications, unique academic achievements or designations.

In a one-page personal essay, please discuss what makes you the right recipient for the Bell Scholarship. An understanding of your thoughts and feelings about the importance of a career in engineering, mathematics, physics, computer science or other related scientific field is helpful, but not exclusive. Please use this essay to help the Scholarship Selection Committee better understand who you are and what this scholarship would mean to you. Please type your response on a single page with your name/UMID number in the upper right corner.

Privacy Statement: By submitting my application and essay, I certify that all answers I have given on this application and the essay are completely my own and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that falsification or omission of information or credentials may result in the loss of any scholarship received. I release all application materials submitted in consideration of my admission to the University of Michigan to the Scholarship Selection Committee for the Gloria Wille Bell and Carlos R. Bell Scholarship Program.